
Bill Shockley NFL Game Logs

Season-by-Season Statistics
Data CoverageStat Key
Click on Date to view boxscore.
1960 New York Titans (AFL)9/11/1960HBUF27-3W033002409
1960 New York Titans (AFL)9/17/1960HBOS24-28L033001106
1960 New York Titans (AFL)9/23/1960HDEN28-24W044000004
1960 New York Titans (AFL)10/2/1960ADAL37-35W1450012013
1960 New York Titans (AFL)10/9/1960AHOU21-27L033000103
1960 New York Titans (AFL)10/16/1960ABUF17-13W022001105
1960 New York Titans (AFL)10/23/1960HHOU28-42L044000004
1960 New York Titans (AFL)10/28/1960HOAK27-28L033002309
1960 New York Titans (AFL)11/4/1960HLA7-21L011000101
1960 New York Titans (AFL)11/11/1960ABOS21-38L033000103
1960 New York Titans (AFL)11/24/1960HDAL41-35W056000105
1960 New York Titans (AFL)12/4/1960ADEN30-27W034001106
1960 New York Titans (AFL)12/11/1960AOAK31-28W044001407
1960 New York Titans (AFL)12/18/1960ALA43-50L1550001011
1961 New York Titans (AFL)9/9/1961ABOS21-20W033000003
1961 New York Titans (AFL)9/24/1961HDEN35-28W055000005
1961 New York Titans (AFL)10/1/1961HBOS37-30W033001106
1961 New York Titans (AFL)10/15/1961HSD10-25L011001304
1961 New York Titans (AFL)10/22/1961ADEN10-27L011001304
1961 Buffalo Bills (AFL)12/3/1961AOAK26-21W000000100
1961 Buffalo Bills (AFL)12/10/1961ASD10-28L000001103
1962 New York Titans (AFL)9/9/1962AOAK28-17W044000004
1962 New York Titans (AFL)9/16/1962ASD14-40L000000200
1962 New York Titans (AFL)9/22/1962ABUF17-6W022001105
1962 New York Titans (AFL)9/30/1962HDEN10-32L011001204
1962 New York Titans (AFL)10/6/1962HBOS14-43L022000002
1962 New York Titans (AFL)10/14/1962AHOU17-56L022001205
1962 New York Titans (AFL)10/21/1962ADAL17-20L022001405
1962 New York Titans (AFL)10/28/1962HSD23-3W023001205
1962 New York Titans (AFL)11/4/1962HOAK31-21W044001207
1962 New York Titans (AFL)11/11/1962HDAL31-52L0220034011
1962 New York Titans (AFL)11/22/1962ADEN46-45W055001108
1962 New York Titans (AFL)11/30/1962ABOS17-24L022001305
1962 New York Titans (AFL)12/8/1962HBUF3-20L000001103
1962 New York Titans (AFL)12/15/1962HHOU10-44L011001204
1968 Pittsburgh Steelers (NFL)9/15/1968HNYG20-34L0230102
1960 New York Titans (AFL)9/11/1960HBUF27-3W3113.70
1960 New York Titans (AFL)10/2/1960ADAL37-35W5438.60
1960 New York Titans (AFL)10/16/1960ABUF17-13W7355.00
1960 New York Titans (AFL)10/23/1960HHOU28-42L2-2-1.00
1960 New York Titans (AFL)10/28/1960HOAK27-28L5306.00
1960 New York Titans (AFL)11/11/1960ABOS21-38L382.70
1960 New York Titans (AFL)11/24/1960HDAL41-35W1-1-1.0-10
1960 New York Titans (AFL)12/4/1960ADEN30-27W5255.00
1960 New York Titans (AFL)12/11/1960AOAK31-28W351.760
1960 New York Titans (AFL)12/18/1960ALA43-50L320.70
1961 New York Titans (AFL)9/24/1961HDEN35-28W591.80
1960 New York Titans (AFL)10/2/1960ADAL37-35W155.05t1
1960 New York Titans (AFL)10/16/1960ABUF17-13W188.080
1960 New York Titans (AFL)10/23/1960HHOU28-42L284.00
1960 New York Titans (AFL)10/28/1960HOAK27-28L1-2-2.0-20
1960 New York Titans (AFL)11/11/1960ABOS21-38L177.070
1960 New York Titans (AFL)12/18/1960ALA43-50L24321.51
1961 New York Titans (AFL)10/22/1961ADEN10-27L3279.00
1960 New York Titans (AFL)9/11/1960HBUF27-3W133.030
1960 New York Titans (AFL)9/17/1960HBOS24-28L199.090
1960 New York Titans (AFL)10/16/1960ABUF17-13W100.000
1961 New York Titans (AFL)9/24/1961HDEN35-28W133.030
1961 New York Titans (AFL)10/15/1961HSD10-25L133.030
1960 New York Titans (AFL)10/9/1960AHOU21-27L11919.0190
1960 New York Titans (AFL)10/23/1960HHOU28-42L39632.00
1960 New York Titans (AFL)10/28/1960HOAK27-28L12323.0230
1960 New York Titans (AFL)11/4/1960HLA7-21L34414.70
1960 New York Titans (AFL)11/11/1960ABOS21-38L11717.0170
1960 New York Titans (AFL)11/24/1960HDAL41-35W11515.0150
1960 New York Titans (AFL)12/11/1960AOAK31-28W35919.70
1960 New York Titans (AFL)12/18/1960ALA43-50L413834.50
1961 New York Titans (AFL)9/17/1961ABUF31-41L37424.70
1961 New York Titans (AFL)9/24/1961HDEN35-28W12020.0200
1961 New York Titans (AFL)10/1/1961HBOS37-30W49523.80
1961 New York Titans (AFL)10/15/1961HSD10-25L23417.00
1961 Buffalo Bills (AFL)12/3/1961AOAK26-21W23819.00
1962 New York Titans (AFL)10/14/1962AHOU17-56L12727.0270
1962 New York Titans (AFL)11/22/1962ADEN46-45W13232.0320
1962 New York Titans (AFL)12/15/1962HHOU10-44L11414.0140
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Last Updated: April 18, 2024